Palin Reloads for 2014 Elections with SarahPAC Video
In a sign of how active Sarah Palin intends to be in influencing the 2014 elections, SarahPAC, Sarah Palin's Political Action Committee, released a video on Wednesday meant to ignite independents, conservatives, and Tea Partiers for the 2014 midterm elections. These voters propelled Republican candidates in the historic 2010 midterm elections that saw Republicans take back the House of Representatives on the backs of Tea Party voters.
Titled "Loaded for Bear," the video shows footage and headlines from mainstream media outlets like Politico referring to Palin as a "kingmaker" and conservative outlets like Fox News acknowledging how successfully Palin has used her star-power to help elect conservative candidates to office.
The video also features Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) praising Palin for her fearlessness and being instrumental in electing senators such as Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Pat Toomey, Jeff Flake, Deb Fischer, Cruz and governors like Nikki Haley of South Carolina.
In 2012, former South Carolina Senator and current president of the Heritage Foundation Jim DeMint said Palin's endorsement "has more influence in primaries than any other endorsement right now."
"Sarah Palin picks winners," Cruz says in the video.
And by all measures, that dynamic will not change in the next two years for Palin is often a one-woman clearinghouse for conservative and Tea Party candidates.
The video, which the group PassCodeCreative made, features Palin at Tea Party rallies in places like Nevada and at the Iowa State Fair in 2011, where she impressed Iowans, liberals and the mainstream media by answering nearly every question asked of her and engaging comfortably with nearly everyone who approached her for nearly six hours.
In the video, footage of Palin's 2013 CPAC speech is shown where Palin says, "Don't let the the big consultants, the big money men and the big bad media scare you off" from running for office.
She urges Republicans to focus more on "rebuilding the middle class" than rebranding the party and says "it is time to furlough the consultants."
Palin also speaks about her signature issue of dismantling the permanent political class and fighting crony capitalism. She urges Republicans look for candidates from Main Street communities, PTA meetings, small businesses and Tea Party rallies.
"SarahPAC supporters - the 2014 elections are just twenty months away. We appreciate your support, together we have elected many great commonsense conservatives over the past four years," SarahPAC Treasurer Tim Crawford says in a statement posted with the video. "Together, we will keep fighting to support these bold candidates."
Reporters in the video note only "Sarah Palin will hold Congress to account," that Palin "plays by her own rules," and Palin "doesn't care about old dogs" in the GOP. These are the qualities that make Tea Partiers, conservatives, and independents trust Palin.
"The next election is twenty months away, the last thing we need is Washington D.C. vetting our candidates," Palin says in the video.
The video notes that there are 35 Senate and 36 Governors races in 2014 and ends with a clip of Ted Cruz saying at CPAC, "I would not be in the U.S. Senate today if it were not for Gov. Sarah Palin."
The words "We Haven't Yet Begun to Fight" splash across the screen as SarahPAC's signature bear roars at the end of the video.
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