29 marzo, 2013

Pelosi: Same Sex Marriage 'Honors Constitution'

Pelosi: Same Sex Marriage 'Honors Constitution'

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, suddenly an expert on the Constitution, said on Wednesday that she and Barack Obama are “honoring the Constitution” in their attacks on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Pelosi pontificated:


And given a choice I think we would all say we’re honoring, as the president does, the Constitution. When you pass a bill in the House, as we did with the health care bill, we made it iron clad constitutionally. You have a responsibility to honor the Constitution. In fact, we take an oath to do just that, and that is the oath that President Obama is upholding.
Attacking the GOP’s support for the Defense of Marriage Act, Pelosi whined:
We weigh equities. Congress passes a bill. It’s questionable in terms of constitutionality. There’s no question about your oath to the Constitution of the United States, and the behavior of the Republicans in the House of Representatives on this subject has been so irresponsible. First of all, why in this time would you pass a bill that increases discrimination? We’re going in the direction of the arc of Justice [Henry L.] Benning in favor of more justice, not more discrimination. Why would you do such a thing in the first place? And then when it is questioned in terms of its constitutionality to spend money in the tune of millions outside the regular order of how that money should be spent to defend increasing discrimination in our society, it’s just plain wrong. And given a choice I think we would all say we’re honoring, as the president does, the Constitution.
Pelosi boasted of her home city’s influence in the assault on traditional values, claiming that same-sex marriage is “inevitable.” She continued:
From our beautiful place in San Francisco, the city of St. Francis, we knew that it was inevitable that all of this would happen. It was inconceivable to others that it would, and it was our job to use whatever influence we could have to shorten the distance between the inevitable and the inconceivable. And I think that’s what’s happening at the court because of many people’s courage, especially those directly, personally affected.

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