13 noviembre, 2012

McGurn: Sex, Lies and Gmail

Did David Petraeus's personal troubles influence what he said to Congress about Benghazi?

Of all the story lines to emerge from l'affaire Petraeus, surely the following three are widest of the mark:
First, the idea that the director of the Central Intelligence Agency is a victim of America's puritanical mores.
Second, the idea that, whatever the legal fine points, an FBI investigation involving a mistress accessing an email of a CIA director does not become a de facto investigation of the director.
Third, the idea that a CIA director can have a private email account, wholly personal and separate from his job.
David Petraeus
All extramarital affairs are human tragedies. That would be true even if this one involved a factory worker and secretary cheating, not two high-profile, high-achieving West Point graduates. The difference is that the pain and injustice are even more monstrous for the innocent spouses and children here, because their private humiliation is playing out across our front pages and television screens.

Saudi America

The U.S. will be the world's leading energy producer, if we allow it.

Sometimes the revolution politicians seek isn't the one they get. Consider the irony—and the opportunity—in Monday's report that the U.S. is likely to surpass Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil producer as early as 2020.
In its annual world energy outlook, the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) says the global energy map "is being redrawn by the resurgence in oil and gas production in the United States."
The U.S. will increase its production to about 23 million barrels a day in 10 years from about 18 million barrels a day now, the IEA predicts. That's more optimistic than current U.S. government estimates and a change from a year ago when the IEA said Russia and the Saudis would vie for number one.
imageGetty Images/Fickr RM
Oil Refinery in Detroit
As readers of these pages know, the key to this U.S. energy boom has been technological innovation and risk-taking funded by private capital. Specifically, the private oil and gas industry pioneered the use of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (or fracking) to tap unconventional deposits such as shale that once were technologically out of reach. It also wouldn't have happened if the industry wasn't able to drill on private land, free from federal regulation.

FBI Agent in Petraeus Case Under Scrutiny

WASHINGTON—A federal agent who launched the investigation that ultimately led to the resignation of Central Intelligence Agency chief David Petraeus was barred from taking part in the case over the summer due to superiors' concerns that he was personally involved in the case, according to officials familiar with the probe.
After the discovery of allegedly inappropriate e-mails between Marine Gen. John Allen and a Tampa woman, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta asked the Senate to put on hold the confirmation of the top commander in Afghanistan. Photo: Getty Images.

Email Location Data Led FBI to Uncover Top Spy’s Affair

By Kim Zetter

U.S. Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of U.S. Central Command, presides over a re-enlistment and awards ceremony while visiting Soldiers of Task Force Mountain Warrior. Photo: U.S. Army Spc. Albert L. Kelley, 300th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment
Every year careless hackers, cyberstalkers and others are undone by the digital trails they leave behind for law enforcement to collect and trace back to them.
But who would have thought the nation’s top spy chief would be undone so easily by digital footprints left behind in e-mail?
In the irony of ironies, the distinguished career of CIA Director and former Afghanistan war commander David Petraeus appears to have come unhinged after authorities traced the location of the sender of threatening e-mails that were written from an anonymous e-mail account and sent to a woman in Florida.

Post-Petraeus CIA Should Kill Less and Spy More, Former Chief Says

By Noah Shachtman

Former CIA director David Petraeus — along with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director Robert Mueller, and Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen. Ronald Burgess — take their seats in a January hearing on Capitol Hill. Photo: Jacquelyn Martin/AP
When David Petraeus got the job of CIA chief, he knew what job #1 was: find out everything he could about al-Qaida and its allies — and then assist in their removal from the land of living. Fourteen months and more than 110 drone strikes later, the breaking of al-Qaida’s core that began under Petraeus’ predecessors is almost complete. Yet a major chunk of the nation’s intelligence community remains singularly focused on terrorism.

Petraeus Scandal Engulfs Afghanistan War Chief

By David Axe and Noah Shachtman

Gen. John Allen in Afghanistan last December. Photo: NATO ISAF
Gen. John Allen in Afghanistan last December. Photo: NATO ISAF
Updated 8:48 am.
The sex scandal that brought down former Army general and CIA Director David Petraeus has expanded to engulf another senior official: Marine Corps Gen. John Allen, the commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan.
Allen, who is married, allegedly exchanged what’s being described as “inappropriate communication” with Jill Kelley, the 37-year-old Tampa socialite who claims she received threatening emails from Petraeus’ mistress (and biographer) Paula Broadwell. Kelley reportedly approached the FBI with the alleged threats, kicking off the investigation that ultimately uncovered Petraeus’ affair with Broadwell and prompted the retired four-star general to resign from the CIA last week.


A New Direction

The Real Reason Petraeus Resigned

The Real Reason Petraeus Resigned

Obamacare’s America: Post-Election Layoffs


Obamacare In The Moon SC Obamacares America: Post Election Layoffs
The People have spoken, and business has replied. Layoff announcements are mounting at an unprecedented rate in response to Obamacare since President Obama won his second term Tuesday night.

Petraeus Mistress: Benghazi Cover-up About Secret CIA Prison

 By 11 Comments

The alleged mistress of CIA Director David H. Petraeus threw a wrench into the Obama administration machinations with some new information about the Benghazi attack: it was about retribution for the CIA imprisoning Libyan militia members in Benghazi.

Obama Won Because Of Voter Fraud All Over

More Californians Will Flee State After Recent Tax Increases

California Gov. Jerry Brown on Sunday said California would start a tax-increase wave across the nation, but recent history suggests California's tax increases will only accelerate the number of people who will leave California to other states with better tax climates. 

Report: CIA's Benghazi Annex a Detention, Interrogation Site

Unnamed sources tell Fox News that the CIA Annex in Benghazi held three Libyan militia members for days and that retrieving these detainees may have been a motive for the September 11th attack on the nearby US consulate.

Witnesses: FBI Raids Home of Petraeus Mistress

FBI agents raided the Dilworth, North Carolina home of Paula Broadwell, the woman accused of having an affair with former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus Monday night. Petraeus resigned last Friday, citing his infidelity.

General investigated for emails to Petraeus friend

AP National Security Writer
PERTH, Australia
In a new twist to the Gen. David Petraeus sex scandal, the Pentagon said Tuesday that the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, is under investigation for alleged "inappropriate communications" with a woman who is said to have received threatening emails from Paula Broadwell, the woman with whom Petraeus had an extramarital affair.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in a written statement issued to reporters aboard his aircraft, en route from Honolulu to Perth, Australia, that the FBI referred the matter to the Pentagon on Sunday.

Panetta said that he ordered a Pentagon investigation of Allen on Monday.

Scandal widens in probe of top US general's emails

WASHINGTON (AP) — The sex scandal that led to CIA Director David Petraeus' downfall widened Tuesday with word the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan is under investigation for thousands of alleged "inappropriate communications" with another woman involved in the case.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Will The Bottom Fall Out? 15 Signs That Layoffs And Job Losses Are Skyrocketing

By Michael

If you still have a good job, you might want to hold on to it very tightly because there are a whole bunch of signs that unemployment in the United States is about to start getting worse again.  Over the past several weeks, a substantial number of large corporations have announced disappointing earnings for the third quarter.  Many of those large corporations are also loaded up with huge amounts of debt.  So what is the solution?  Well, the favorite solution on Wall Street these days seems to be to lay off workers.  In fact, it is almost turning into a feeding frenzy.  Since September 1st, we have seen more job cuts announced than during any other two month period since the start of 2010.  These announcements represent future layoffs and job losses which are not even showing up in the unemployment numbers yet.  So needless to say, things don't look very promising for the end of 2012 or for the beginning of 2013.  If this race to eliminate jobs becomes a stampede, will we see the bottom fall out of the employment market?

Somebody Should Start The 'Stuff Costs Too Much' Party

By Michael

Stuff costs too much.  Seriously.  Every time I go to the grocery store these days, I am absolutely horrified by the prices.  I try not to buy anything that is not on sale, but the problem is that I am discovering that the new sale prices are the old regular prices.  So now paying what used to be "full price" is supposedly a "good deal".  The other way that they are trying to hide rising prices is by shrinking package sizes.  As if we wouldn't notice that a box of 21 garbage bags is now being sold for the exact same price that a box of 25 garbage bags used to be sold for.  It is one of my pet peeves.  I feel like I am in the middle of some bizarre movie entitled "The Incredible Shrinking Dollar".  Sadly, I am far from alone.  There are millions upon millions of American families that are seeing their expenses continue to rise even as their paychecks remain the same.  But neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney seems very concerned about inflation.  In fact, the Federal Reserve, QE3 and Ben Bernanke were not even mentioned in any of the three presidential debates.  So I think that somebody should start the "Stuff Costs Too Much" Party.  Inflation is a tax which is destroying the value of each dollar that we hold a little bit more every single day, and the American people deserve to know the truth about what is going on.

Share This Massive List Of Post-Election Firings And Layoffs With Everyone You Can

By Michael

The victory by Barack Obama on election night has resulted in a huge wave of firings and layoffs all over America.  A large number of businesses seem to have suddenly shifted into panic mode.  The number of layoff announcements that we have seen in the last 48 hours has been absolutely shocking.  So why is this happening?  Well, the truth is that the federal government is absolutely suffocating small businesses all over America with rules, regulations and taxes.  If you have never tried to run a small business, then you have no idea how oppressive this system actually is for people that are trying to run small businesses successfully.  It has steadily gotten worse over the years no matter who has been in the White House and no matter who has controlled Congress.  So we shouldn't put 100% of the blame on Obama.  Bush massively expanded government and made things harder on small business people too.  But what many small business people were looking for on this election day was just a little bit of help.  Many were desperately holding out hope that Obamacare would be repealed so that they would not have to get rid of some of their employees.  Many were hoping to get a little bit of relief from the crippling regulations and taxes that are absolutely crushing them.  But now that Barack Obama has been given another four years, they understand that there is no hope on the horizon and that things are only going to get worse.  So they are making the hard decisions that they feel are necessary in order to survive in this economic environment.

The Politicians We Have Chosen Reflect Who We Are As A Nation

By Michael,

The American people have spoken.  It is estimated that approximately 6 billion dollars was spent on political campaigns in 2012, and we ended up exactly in the same place that we were before.  Barack Obama is still in the White House, the Democrats still have solid control of the U.S. Senate and the Republicans still have solid control of the U.S. House of Representatives. Clearly, the American people want more of the same, and that is really bad news.  The path that we have been on will only lead to unprecedented disaster, and now it is abundantly clear that there are not going to be any solutions to our problems on the national level.  Not that things would be that much different if we reversed things and gave Republicans control of the White House and the Senate and we gave Democrats control of the U.S. House of Representatives.  Over the past several decades, nothing has really seemed to get any better no matter what faces we have sent to Washington.  But this time there is really a feeling of "finality" to things.  The American people have made their choices, and those choices are going to have consequences.  There is no turning back now.  The politicians that we have chosen reflect who we are as a nation.  It is not just our leaders that have turned their backs on the U.S. Constitution and on the principles that this country was founded upon - the truth is that the majority of the American people have rejected them.  We have willingly chosen our destiny, and there are no more excuses.

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