16 noviembre, 2012

The World Is Not Enough

Why does the planet's No. 1 spy never go to the really dangerous places?


In the opening scenes of Skyfall, the latest installment of the James Bond mega-franchise, the world's favorite MI6 operative chases bad guy Patrice across Istanbul on motorcycles, through the city's Grand Bazaar, and over its minaret-backed rooftops. Bond jumps and weaves such verve and ease that it's like he knows his way around the city. Has he been here before? Well, no. But: yes.

Sex and the Modern Soldier

Just how bad is the military's woman problem?


As I write this, the Petraeus saga, which morphed first into the Petraeus-Broadwell saga, and then into the Petraeus-Broadwell-Kelley saga, followed closely by the Petraeus-Broadwell-Kelley-Allen saga, is morphing into Phase 5, or maybe it's Phase 6. Who can keep track? By now, I believe, it's the Petraeus-Broadwell-Kelley-Allen-Evil Twin Natalie-Shirtless FBI Agent-Eric Cantor-Classified Documents story.
By the time you read this, the saga will have morphed into Phase 11 or 12, and it will no doubt have been revealed that Anthony Weiner was Jill Kelley's college roommate before a series of harassing phone calls from a Lockheed Martin executive led him to take up residence instead in one of those fancy hotel rooms favored by disgraced Gen. Kip Ward. Prince Harry and the Waffle House guy will probably also turn out to be involved.

Petraeus testifies CIA's Libya talking points were changed, lawmaker says


Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified in a closed-door hearing Friday morning that his agency determined immediately after the Sept. 11 Libya attack that "Al Qaeda involvement" was suspected -- but the line was taken out in the final version circulated to administration officials, according to a top lawmaker who was briefed.
Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., who spoke to reporters after Petraeus testified before the House Intelligence Committee, indicated he and other lawmakers still have plenty of questions about the aftermath of the attack.
"No one knows yet exactly who came up with the final version of the talking points," he said.
Petraeus was heading next to the Senate Intelligence Committee to testify. At the same time, lawmakers unexpectedly convened a briefing with top members of various committees to examine a Sept. 25 letter to President Obama that asked a series of classified questions on Benghazi. Petraeus' testimony both challenges the Obama administration's repeated claims that the attack was a "spontaneous" protest over an anti-Islam video, and according to King conflicts with his own briefing to lawmakers on Sept. 14.

Intel Official: Benghazi Video Shows Attack Deliberate but Poorly Planned

Members of House and Senate Intelligence Committees were finally shown classified video of the Benghazi attack on Thursday. 

A U.S. intelligence official says the video provides no evidence that the attack was spontaneous. Rather, "it indicates that the attack, though intentional, was not well planned."
In the video, it appears the attack took place in two waves. In the first wave, attackers had not familiarized themselves with the layout of the consulate compound. They attacked for about one hour and then ceased their attack with the consulate ablaze.
The Americans then fled to the CIA safehouse under sporadic enemy fire.
The second wave began about four hours later, when mortars and more precise fire began to be placed on the safehouse. This second wave was captured by security cameras and the overhead drone that would have been beaming this attack into the White House situation room in real time on September 11, 2012.

Did State, DOJ Edit out Terror Link from Rice Talking Points?

ADDED: John Bolton said that General Petraeus’ testimony this morning ‘put this dead cat right on the White House’s door step[.]”

The media doesn't seem at all that eager to start connecting the dots coming out of the unfolding Libya hearings today, but if you look around and gather your own dots, things start to connect.
And now, thanks to a little nugget buried in a CBS News' report, we know that the State and Justice Departments were part of the "inter-agency process" that vetted the controversial CIA talking points given to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice prior to her Sept 16 appearance on all five Sunday news shows.

Jill Kelley Claims 'Threats' in Email to Mayor

By ABC News

The woman who sparked an FBI investigation that eventually led to the downfall of CIA chief David Petraeus sent a pleading email to her town's mayor claiming she's recently been the target of "threats."
In the email, sent early Wednesday morning and posted online by the mayor's office today, Tampa socialite Jill Kelley says that she has been "receiving threats all night, by people that now have my cell phone number," and complains that the Tampa police department released a 911 call she made over the weekend about trespassers.

McClanahan: Secession is a Healthy Discussion to Have

Lew Rockwell Owns the Gang of Overlords


One pundit remarked that if all fifty states secede, there would be nothing to secede from.
So it becomes sort of a funny concept.
But Barack Obama is no laughing matter.
America is sick of going to the vomitorium each morning after learning of some new Obama abomination.

Petraeus Love Triangle Part Of Benghazi Cover-up

We know his alleged mistress Paula Broadwell graduated with honors at West Point and was an exemplary officer, going on to military and later academic excellence.
The only person we know little about is the “other woman”—Jill Kelley—the woman who supposedly received threatening emails from Broadwell. Who brought the whole sordid Petraeus/Broadwell affair down in a crash.
Would it surprise you to know she may not be an American citizen?
Would it surprise you to know she arrived in the United States in the 1970s from Lebanon?
Would it surprise you to know she is in debt to the tune of $4 million dollars from giving lavish parties at her mansion for top military brass?

Security Video Sheds New Light On Benghazi Attack

Israel Kills Hamas Leader, Instantly Posts It to YouTube

By Noah Shachtman

The Israel Defense Forces didn’t just kill Hamas military leader Ahmed al-Jabari on Wednesday as he was driving his car down the street in Gaza. They killed him and then instantly posted the strike to YouTube. Then they tweeted a warning to all of Jabari’s comrades: “We recommend that no Hamas operatives, whether low level or senior leaders, show their faces above ground in the days ahead.”

The Jabari hit is part of the biggest assault the IDF has launched in more than three years on Gaza, with more than 20 targets hit. And it’s being accompanied by one of the most aggressive social media offensives ever launched by any military. Several days before Jabari’s elimination, the IDF began liveblogging the rocket attacks on southern Israel coming from Gaza. Once “Operation Pillar of Defense” began, the IDF put up a Facebook page, a Flickr feed, and, of course, a stream of Twitter taunts — all relying on the same white-on-red English-language graphics. “Ahmed Jabari: Eliminated,” reads a tweet from 2:21 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday.

Tracking Down Gaza War’s Deadly, Mysterious Cubes

By David Hambling

Cube2_2 An unidentified weapon packed with strange "cube shaped shrapnel" killed or wounded civilians in the recent Gaza war, according to a new report from Amnesty International.
Amnesty’s report on weapons used by both sides in Gaza finds much to condemn. The group is particularly hard on the U.S., having found numerous remains of American munitions — including white phosphorus shells from Pine Bluff Arsenal, and a Hellfire missile made in Orlando. Another weapon which bothers Amnesty is a mysterious munition, filled with cubic particles.
"Amnesty International delegates in Gaza also found evidence of the use of a new type of missile, seemingly launched from unmanned drones, which explodes large numbers of tiny sharp-edged metal cubes, each between 2 and 4 mm square in size. This purpose-made shrapnel can penetrate even thick metal doors and many were seen by Amnesty International’s delegates embedded deep in concrete walls. They appear designed to cause maximum injury

Report: Israeli Drones Killed 29 Civilians in Gaza War

By Noah Shachtman

heron_iai_4Drones equipped with tiny, precision-guided missiles were supposed to make battles incredibly exact – killing only armed enemies, while leaving innocent bystanders unharmed. But in its war against Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces “killed 29 civilians, eight of them children” during six drone strikes, according to a new report out from Human Rights Watch.
It’s the latest in a long series of accusations of wartime transgressions leveled at the Israeli military for its conduct during the Gaza campaign. But this report, in some ways, may be the most damning. Relying on eyewitness accounts, investigations of the attack scenes and IDF video, Human Rights Watch could find no evidence “that Palestinian fighters were present in the immediate area” during the six unmanned attacks. “None of the targets were moving quickly or leaving the area, so the drone operators would have had time to determine whether they were observing civilians or combatants, and to hold fire if they were not able to tell the difference.” And that failure to distinguish between the two is a violation of the laws of war, the group says.

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