Liberados cuatro generales mexicanos acusados de nexos con el narcotráfico
El general Tomás Ángeles, también acusado de vínculos con el crimen organizado, fue liberado en abril de este año
Europa debe proteger a Edward Snowden
Que la UE abandone al ‘denunciante’ supone renunciar a sus principios
El 12 de octubre de 2012 la Unión Europea recibió el Premio Nobel de la Paz por “su contribución a la promoción de la paz, la reconciliación, la democracia y los derechos humanos en Europa”. Así, Europa debe estar a la altura y demostrar su voluntad de defender la libertad de información, cualesquiera que sean los temores a las presiones políticas de su mejor aliado, Estados Unidos. Ahora que Edward Snowden, el joven estadounidense que reveló la existencia del programa de vigilancia mundial PRISM, pidió asilo a una veintena de países, los Estados de la Unión, principalmente Francia y Alemania, deben darle la mejor acogida, bajo cualquier estatus. Pues si Estados Unidos sigue siendo uno de los países del mundo que ponen en lo más alto el ideal de la libertad de expresión, la actitud que adopta respecto a los “informantes” mancilla claramente la Primera Enmienda de su Constitución. Continue reading
Elecciones en Chile: el abandono del centro
La expresidenta Michelle Bachelet consiguió el 70 por ciento de la votación, en unas elecciones donde se dejó huérfano el centro
Más allá de la poco sorpresiva y aplastante victoria de Michelle Bachelet quien, apoyada por los partidos Socialista y Comunista obtuvo más del 70 por ciento de la votación, las recientes primarias presidenciales chilenas han dejado un vacío sin precedentes en el centro político del país post Pinochet. La Democracia Cristiana (DC) y Renovación Nacional (RN), los partidos de centroizquierda y centroderecha respectivamente, han quedado postrados en la Unidad de Tratamiento Intensivo.
La DC compitió con el candidato Claudio Orrego, cuyos contendores fueron la propia expresidenta Michelle Bachelet, el radical José Antonio Gómez, y el independiente Andrés Velasco, todos bajo el denominado pacto Nueva Mayoría. Para nadie resultó una sorpresa que la expresidenta ganara la primaria. Su popularidad incombustible trasciende la sociología y la ciencia política y ya será materia de estudios de psicología colectiva. Sin embargo, nadie anticipó que Orrego sería derrotado por Andrés Velasco, un candidato independiente sin maquinaria partidaria, sin estructura territorial, y sin una red de movilización de votantes tradicionalmente facilitada por autoridades regionales tales como alcaldes, intendentes, diputados y senadores. Continue reading
Directo | El líder de los Hermanos Musulmanes aparece en la concentración
Directo | El líder de los Hermanos Musulmanes aparece en la concentración
Cinco muertos en un enfrentamiento entre militares y partidarios del presidente depuesto
Decenas de miles de personas salen a las calles en apoyo de los Hermanos Musulmanes
Decenas de miles de manifestantes – más de un millón, según los
organizadores – han salido este viernes a las calles de El Cairo para
apoyar al presidente depuesto, el islamista Mohamed Morsi. El líder de
los Hermanos Musulmanes, Mohamed Badie, que las primeras informaciones
daban como detenido, ha aparecido ante sus seguidores en una
concentración en la plaza de Rabáa al Adawiya, en el bastión islamista
de Ciudad Nasr. Un enfrentamiento ante el cuartel de la Guardia
Republicana donde se encuentra detenido el presidente derrocado se ha
saldado con al menos cinco muertos, después de que cientos de
manifestantes tratasen de asaltar el recinto militar. Un portavoz del
Ejército ha afirmado que sus fuerzas únicamente han utilizado gas
lacrimógeno, salvas y disparos contra los manifestantes. Sin embargo los
periodistas presentes en el lugar de los hechos, entre ellos el enviado
de EL PAÍS, David Alandete, ha constatado que el fuego venía desde las
filas de los militares. La cúpula militar, que dio el golpe de Estado el
pasado miércoles, disolvió hoy la Cámara Alta (la Cámara Baja estaba
cerrada ya desde julio del año pasado) y nombrado un nuevo responsable
de los servicios sec
7 de julio, día violento
Cuando fue asesinado Rodolfo Torre Cantú, el escándalo
fue grande y notorio. Hoy, la cantidad de agresiones y asesinatos pasa
sin pena ni gloria.
Ana Paula Ordorica
Entonces coincidió la fecha. También era domingo 7 de julio. Continue reading
Manlio, ¿patrón del Congreso?
La Ley de Deuda ya fue dictaminada en las comisiones de
San Lázaro. Fue rasurada por los diputados. Tiene que regresar a la
Cámara alta.
Francisco Garfias
Algo está fallando en el Poder Legislativo. Ayer leíamos que el
periodo extraordinario, anunciado con fanfarrias para el próximo 16 de
julio, podría cancelarse por falta de acuerdos entre las cámaras del
Congreso federal. A los senadores no les gustó ni tantito que los
diputados modificaran la minuta de la Ley de Deuda de los Estados y
pretendan cambiar también la Ley de Transparencia.
La Ley de Deuda ya fue dictaminada en las comisiones de San Lázaro. Fue rasurada por los diputados. Tiene que regresar a la Cámara alta. Le quita facultades al Senado: lo declara incompetente para legislar en materia de deuda de los estados. Continue reading
La Ley de Deuda ya fue dictaminada en las comisiones de San Lázaro. Fue rasurada por los diputados. Tiene que regresar a la Cámara alta. Le quita facultades al Senado: lo declara incompetente para legislar en materia de deuda de los estados. Continue reading
41 IMF Bailouts And Counting – How Long Before The Entire System Collapses?
nations are bailing out other broke nations with borrowed money. Round
and round we go – where we stop nobody knows. As of April, 41 different countries
had active financial “arrangements” with the IMF. Sometimes they are
called “bailouts” and sometimes they are called other things, but in
every single case they involve loans. And most of the time, these loans
come with very stringent conditions. It is a form of “global
governance” that most people don’t even know about. For decades, the
IMF has been able to use money as a way to force developing nations to
do what it wants them to do. But up until fairly recently, this had
mostly only been done with poor nations. But now an increasing number
of wealthy nations are turning to the IMF for help. We have already
seen Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus receive bailouts which were
partly funded by the IMF, Spain has received a bailout for its banking
sector, and as I noted yesterday, it is being projected that Italy will need a major bailout within six months. How long can this go on before the entire system collapses?
Well, that would depend on how much money the lender has.
And so where does the IMF get their money?
The IMF gets their money from a bunch of nations that are absolutely drowning in debt themselves.
The IMF is funded by “wealthy” nations that dominate the global economy. The following is how Wikipedia describes the IMF’s quota system…
Well, that would depend on how much money the lender has.
And so where does the IMF get their money?
The IMF gets their money from a bunch of nations that are absolutely drowning in debt themselves.
The IMF is funded by “wealthy” nations that dominate the global economy. The following is how Wikipedia describes the IMF’s quota system…
The IMF’s quota system was created to raise funds for loans. Each IMF member country is assigned a quota, or contribution, that reflects the country’s relative size in the global economy. Each member’s quota also determines its relative voting power. Thus, financial contributions from member governments are linked to voting power in the organization.These are the five largest contributors to IMF funding… Continue reading
19 Reasons To Be Deeply Concerned About The Global Economy As We Enter The 2nd Half Of 2013
By Michael Snyder
Is the global economic downturn going to accelerate as we roll into the second half of this year? There is turmoil in the Middle East, we are seeing things happen in the bond markets that we have not seen happen in more than 30 years, and much of Europe has already plunged into a full-blown economic depression. Sadly, most Americans will never understand what is happening until financial disaster strikes them personally. As long as they can go to work during the day and eat frozen pizza and watch reality television at night, most of them will consider everything to be just fine. Unfortunately, the truth is that everything is not fine. The world is becoming increasingly unstable, we are living in the terminal phase of the greatest debt bubble in the history of the planet and the global financial system is even more vulnerable than it was back in 2008. Unfortunately, most people seem to only have a 48 hour attention span at best these days. They don’t have the patience to watch long-term trends develop. And the coming economic collapse is not going to happen all at once. Rather, it is like watching a very, very slow-motion train wreck happen. The coming economic nightmare is going to unfold over a number of years. Yes, there will be moments of great panic, but mostly it will be a steady decline into economic oblivion. And there are a lot of indications that the second half of this year is not going to be as good as the first half was. The following are 19 reasons to be deeply concerned about the global economy as we head into the second half of 2013… Continue reading
Is the global economic downturn going to accelerate as we roll into the second half of this year? There is turmoil in the Middle East, we are seeing things happen in the bond markets that we have not seen happen in more than 30 years, and much of Europe has already plunged into a full-blown economic depression. Sadly, most Americans will never understand what is happening until financial disaster strikes them personally. As long as they can go to work during the day and eat frozen pizza and watch reality television at night, most of them will consider everything to be just fine. Unfortunately, the truth is that everything is not fine. The world is becoming increasingly unstable, we are living in the terminal phase of the greatest debt bubble in the history of the planet and the global financial system is even more vulnerable than it was back in 2008. Unfortunately, most people seem to only have a 48 hour attention span at best these days. They don’t have the patience to watch long-term trends develop. And the coming economic collapse is not going to happen all at once. Rather, it is like watching a very, very slow-motion train wreck happen. The coming economic nightmare is going to unfold over a number of years. Yes, there will be moments of great panic, but mostly it will be a steady decline into economic oblivion. And there are a lot of indications that the second half of this year is not going to be as good as the first half was. The following are 19 reasons to be deeply concerned about the global economy as we head into the second half of 2013… Continue reading
Wall Street Banks Extract Enormous Fees From The Paychecks Of Millions Of American Workers
53 percent of all workers make less than $30,000 a year.
It is hard to do everything that you need to do on less than $2,500 a month. If you doubt this, you should try it some time.
That is one reason why the fees that the big Wall Street banks hit payroll card users with are so insidious. The following is a short excerpt from a recent CNBC article about this phenomenon… Continue reading
The truth is that most American families need every penny that they earn. In America today, It is hard to do everything that you need to do on less than $2,500 a month. If you doubt this, you should try it some time.
That is one reason why the fees that the big Wall Street banks hit payroll card users with are so insidious. The following is a short excerpt from a recent CNBC article about this phenomenon… Continue reading
The Federal Reserve Is Paying Banks NOT To Lend 1.8 Trillion Dollars To The American People
By Michael Snyder,
Did you know that U.S. banks have more than 1.8 trillion dollars parked at the Federal Reserve and that the Fed is actually paying them not to lend that money to us? We were always told that the goal of quantitative easing was to “help the economy”, but the truth is that the vast majority of the money that the Fed has created through quantitative easing has not even gotten into the system. Instead, most of it is sitting at the Fed slowly earning interest for the bankers. Back in October 2008, just as the last financial crisis was starting, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced that the Federal Reserve would start paying interest on the reserves that banks keep at the Fed. This caused an absolute explosion in the size of these reserves. Back in 2008, U.S. banks had less than 2 billion dollars of excess reserves parked at the Fed. Today, they have more than 1.8 trillion. In less than five years, the pile of excess reserves has gotten nearly 1,000 times larger. This is utter insanity, and it will have very serious consequences down the road.
Posted below is a chart that shows the explosive growth of these excess reserves in recent years…
This explains why all of the crazy money printing that the Fed has been doing has not caused tremendous inflation yet. Most of the money has not even gotten into the economy. The Fed has been paying banks not to lend it out. Continue reading
Did you know that U.S. banks have more than 1.8 trillion dollars parked at the Federal Reserve and that the Fed is actually paying them not to lend that money to us? We were always told that the goal of quantitative easing was to “help the economy”, but the truth is that the vast majority of the money that the Fed has created through quantitative easing has not even gotten into the system. Instead, most of it is sitting at the Fed slowly earning interest for the bankers. Back in October 2008, just as the last financial crisis was starting, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced that the Federal Reserve would start paying interest on the reserves that banks keep at the Fed. This caused an absolute explosion in the size of these reserves. Back in 2008, U.S. banks had less than 2 billion dollars of excess reserves parked at the Fed. Today, they have more than 1.8 trillion. In less than five years, the pile of excess reserves has gotten nearly 1,000 times larger. This is utter insanity, and it will have very serious consequences down the road.
Posted below is a chart that shows the explosive growth of these excess reserves in recent years…
This explains why all of the crazy money printing that the Fed has been doing has not caused tremendous inflation yet. Most of the money has not even gotten into the economy. The Fed has been paying banks not to lend it out. Continue reading
36 Hard Questions About The U.S. Economy That The Mainstream Media Should Be Asking
By Michael Snyder,
If the economy is improving, then why aren’t things getting better for most average Americans? They tell us that the unemployment rate is going down, but the percentage of Americans that are actually working is exactly the same it was three years ago. They tell us that American families are in better financial shape now, but real disposable income is falling rapidly. They tell us that inflation is low, but every time we go shopping at the grocery store the prices just seem to keep going up. They tell us that the economic crisis is over, and yet poverty and government dependence continue to explode to unprecedented heights. There seems to be a disconnect between what the government and the media are telling us and what is actually true. With each passing day the debt of the federal government grows larger, the financial world become even more unstable and more American families fall out of the middle class. The same long-term economic trends that have been eating away at our economy like cancer for decades continue to ruthlessly attack the foundations of our economic system. We are rapidly speeding toward an economic cataclysm, and yet the government and most of the media make it sound like happy days are here again. The American people deserve better than this. The American people deserve the truth. The following are 36 hard questions about the U.S. economy that the mainstream media should be asking… Continue reading
If the economy is improving, then why aren’t things getting better for most average Americans? They tell us that the unemployment rate is going down, but the percentage of Americans that are actually working is exactly the same it was three years ago. They tell us that American families are in better financial shape now, but real disposable income is falling rapidly. They tell us that inflation is low, but every time we go shopping at the grocery store the prices just seem to keep going up. They tell us that the economic crisis is over, and yet poverty and government dependence continue to explode to unprecedented heights. There seems to be a disconnect between what the government and the media are telling us and what is actually true. With each passing day the debt of the federal government grows larger, the financial world become even more unstable and more American families fall out of the middle class. The same long-term economic trends that have been eating away at our economy like cancer for decades continue to ruthlessly attack the foundations of our economic system. We are rapidly speeding toward an economic cataclysm, and yet the government and most of the media make it sound like happy days are here again. The American people deserve better than this. The American people deserve the truth. The following are 36 hard questions about the U.S. economy that the mainstream media should be asking… Continue reading
EE.UU.: Irán y Corea del Norte representan una amenaza mayor que Rusia
Más perturbador aún es que la novedad sobreviene apenas transcurridos pocos días desde la declaración de Barack Obama en Alemania, al respecto de que él desea perseguir mayores reducciones del arsenal nuclear de los Estados Unidos. El presidente tiene la esperanza de que su ejemplo sea seguido por otros. Continue reading
El jefe de energía nuclear en Irán,
Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani, declaró el viernes que el país continuará
enriqueciendo uranio para la obtención de energía, aunque analistas
extranjeros sospechan que el material será empleado para armas
El jefe de energía nuclear en Irán, Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani,
declaró el viernes que el país continuará enriqueciendo uranio para la
obtención de energía, aunque analistas extranjeros sospechan que el
material será empleado para armas nucleares.Más perturbador aún es que la novedad sobreviene apenas transcurridos pocos días desde la declaración de Barack Obama en Alemania, al respecto de que él desea perseguir mayores reducciones del arsenal nuclear de los Estados Unidos. El presidente tiene la esperanza de que su ejemplo sea seguido por otros. Continue reading
No llores por mí, Estados Unidos: comparando a la Argentina con la Unión Americana
El camino hacia el derrumbe en mi tierra nativa, Argentina, comenzó con la implementación de una de las doctrinas colectivistas más poderosas del siglo XX: el fascismo. La Carta del Trabajo de 1927 -la Carta del Lavoro, promulgada por el Gran Concejo bajo el fascismo de Mussolini- es un documento guía sobre esta doctrina y promueve una economía basada en el control gubernamental. Este mismo documento recomienda la provisión gubernamental de la asistencia en materia de salud y seguro de desempleo. ¿A alguien le resulta familiar? Continue reading
Muchos observadores se preguntan si acaso
Estados Unidos está transitando un sendero problemático, como la
Argentina. En los años cuarenta, Juan Domingo Perón utilizó organismos
del gobierno para obtener ventajas políticas, y creó una versión popular
del fascismo, denominada “peronismo”…
Muchos observadores se preguntan si acaso Estados Unidos está transitando un sendero problemático, como la Argentina. En los años cuarenta, Juan Domingo Perón utilizó organismos del gobierno para obtener ventajas políticas, y creó una versión popular del fascismo, denominada “peronismo“. En Estados Unidos, la reciente revelación de que el Internal Revenue Service (IRS, la agencia de Impuestos del gobierno federal) persiguió a enemigos políticos es un mal presagio. ¿Estamos transitando el camino de la Argentina?El camino hacia el derrumbe en mi tierra nativa, Argentina, comenzó con la implementación de una de las doctrinas colectivistas más poderosas del siglo XX: el fascismo. La Carta del Trabajo de 1927 -la Carta del Lavoro, promulgada por el Gran Concejo bajo el fascismo de Mussolini- es un documento guía sobre esta doctrina y promueve una economía basada en el control gubernamental. Este mismo documento recomienda la provisión gubernamental de la asistencia en materia de salud y seguro de desempleo. ¿A alguien le resulta familiar? Continue reading